Quatro-Glass, the first planned consortium in Turkey in the design, production and development of toughened Toughened Glass Insulatorsglass insulators, produces with half a century of experience in the energy sector. It has adopted the aim of local and national design as a principle.
Türkiye'de cam izolatör tasarımı, üretimi, geliştirilmesi konusunda ilk planlı konsorsiyum olan Quatro-Glass, yarım asıra dayanan enerji sektöründeki tecrübeleri ile üretim yapmaktadır. Yerli ve milli tasarım amacını ilke edinmiştir. Türkiye'de cam izolatör üretimi konusunda ilk olma misyonunu yüklenmiştir. Cam izolatör tipleri k1 k2 k3 40u 60u 80u 100u 120u 160u sis üretilmektedir.
Always on the lookout for the latest advances and continuous technological improvements, qúatro "toughened" glass insulator heavily invests in Research and development and has pioneered some of the major innovations in this industry.
Her zaman en son gelişmeleri ve sürekli teknolojik gelişmeleri takip eden quatro cam izolatör yatırımu, Araştırma ve geliştirmeye büyük önem vermektedir. Türkiye'de cam izolatör üretimi konusunda ilk olma misyonunu yüklenmiştir. Türkiyenin en dinamik cam izolatör tedarikçisi olmanın sorunluluğunu taşıyoruz ve cam izolatör üretiminde dünya markası olmayı hedefliyoruz.
qúatro-glass is proud to have developed Turkey's first VHD 35 type post insulators. This design, which has A Toughened feature, is also the first design of its kind in the world.
Türkiye'nin ilk VHD 35 tipi mesnet izolatörlerini geliştirmiştir. Kırılmazlık özelliğine sahip olan bu tasarım aynı zamanda alanında ilk tasarımdır.
qúatro-glass offers innovative high-quality toughened glass insulators designed to perform under all kinds of environmental conditions.
Our outstanding product performance and reliability come from our unique technical expertise gained through extensive and continuous R&D investments in design, manufacturing, and testing.
We have a successful experience and over 100+ million of insulators in service worldwide, qúatro glass insulator is the proven world expert in transmission insulator technology located in Ankara- Turkey. It is Turkey's first and only glass insulator initiative.
qúatro-glass, her türlü çevre koşulunda performans gösterecek şekilde tasarlanmış yenilikçi, yüksek kaliteli sertleştirilmiş kırılmaz cam izolatörler çözümleri sunmaktadır.
Olağanüstü ürün performansımız ve güvenilirliğimiz, tasarım, üretim ve test alanlarındaki kapsamlı ve sürekli Ar-Ge yatırımlarımızdan elde ettiğimiz benzersiz teknik uzmanlığımızdan gelmektedir. Ankara - Türkiye lokalizasyonunda yer alan cam izolatör üretim ve test sahamızla titizlikle üretim yapmaktayız.
Başarılı bir deneyime ve dünya çapında hizmet veren 100 milyondan fazla izolatöre sahibiz; qúatro cam izolatör, iletim izolatör teknolojisinde kanıtlanmış Türkiye'den dünyaya yayılan cam izolatör innovasyonudur. Kurukuşumuz Sadece cam izolatör teknolojisine odaklanmıştır.
We meet the needs of power stations and substations with the most appropriate solutions by working in coordination through our supply warehouses located in Turkey.
We are the only organization in the world that offers solutions to energy power stations and substations with our original working method.
Cam izolatörler için dünyada en iyi logistik dağıtım ağına sahibiz. Dünyanın her tarafına en uygun zamanda cam izolatör teslimi yapıyoruz. Cam izolatör desteği konusunda lütfen ekibimizle irtibata geçiniz.
We value our customers. You can visit us anytime during business hours..
Sign up to receive information from us about very special offers and news Cam izolatörlere ilişkin bilgi almak için kayıt olun
Türkiye'de cam izolatör tasarımı, üretimi, geliştirilmesi konusunda ilk planlı konsorsiyum olan Quatro-Glass, yarım asıra dayanan enerji sektöründeki tecrübeleri ile üretim yapmaktadır. Yerli ve milli tasarım amacını ilke edinmiştir. Türkiye'de cam izolatör üretimi konusunda ilk olma misyonunu yüklenmiştir.
Cam izolatör tipleri k1 k2 k3 40u 60u 80u 100u 120u 160u sis üretilmektedir.
becoming investors contact: info@quatro-glass.com
A high voltage glass insulator is an element designed to support and insulate high voltage electrical conductors in electrical energy distribution and transportation systems. It is composed of a tempered glass disc that can have different shapes depending on its function and specific application, to which a metal cap and pin are attached that allow the insulators to be joined forming insulator strings. These insulators are essential to maintain the integrity of the electrical system and prevent short circuits or electrical shocks.
High-voltage glass insulators have several key properties that make them suitable for use in high-voltage electrical systems. These characteristics include their high mechanical strength and electrical tension resistance, their ability to withstand adverse weather conditions, and their long-term durability. Additionally, their design and construction are optimized to ensure reliable performance and extended service life in demanding environments.
High voltage glass insulators play a crucial role in making an electrical system operate safely and efficiently. They mechanically support conductor cables and act as insulation barriers between these conductors and supporting structures, preventing short circuits and electrical shocks that could cause interruptions in power supply or damage to equipment. Additionally, they help maintain network stability by minimizing current leakage and ensuring uniform electrical load distribution.
When selecting high-voltage glass insulators, it is important to consider several factors to ensure their suitability and optimal performance in a specific electrical system. These factors include the required mechanical strength, the line voltage level, local environmental conditions, expected electrical load, and maintenance requirements. Additionally, compatibility with other system components and adherence to safety and quality standards are also important considerations during the selection process.
Maintenance requirements
Each insulator model is defined by a series of parameters defined by the manufacturer and can be seen in the catalogue or on the drawings of each insulator, and which must comply at least with the minimum or maximum values required by the different applicable standards The main parameters include the mechanical (mechanical breaking load), the dimensional (coupling standard, diameter, creepage distance and pitch), the geometric (shape of the insulator profile) and the electrical ones (electric withstand voltages for puncture, dry and wet power frequency, and lightning impulse withstand voltages). For each power line project, the required chain parameters must be properly calculated, and the most appropriate insulators must be chosen for each case.
Proper installation and maintenance of high-voltage glass insulators are essential to ensure their optimal operation and prolong their lifespan. The installation process typically involves securely fastening the insulators to support structures using appropriate hardware and tools for the specific environment. Additionally, in highly polluted environments, regular inspection procedures should be followed to detect excessive contamination, and corrective measures should be taken as necessary to prevent premature failures.
High-voltage glass insulators are primarily made of high-quality tempered glass, which is capable of withstanding significant mechanical and thermal stresses, while also enduring high levels of electrical tension without damage.
In addition to glass, complementary materials such as cast iron, forged steel, cement, and stainless steel are used for the fastening fittings. These materials are designed to withstand adverse environmental conditions and ensure the stability and durability of the insulator throughout its lifespan.
For very high contamination environments, the QUATRO ® solution adds a thin layer of room temperature vulcanizing (RTV) silicone to the glass surface of the insulator, which imparts hydrophobic properties, adding performance benefits against contamination.
Contamination, such as the accumulation of salts, dust, or other natural or artificial elements, combined with moisture on the surface of glass insulators, can significantly affect their performance and effectiveness. This contamination can lead to a decrease in the dielectric strength of the insulator chain, increasing the risk of electrical arcs and shocks. On the other hand, excessive contamination without taking mitigation measures can potentially accelerate the aging of insulators due to corrosion.
To mitigate the effects of pollution, several measures can be taken. First of all, the type of contamination that affects the line must be studied (sources, characteristics of the contaminant, etc.) and the severity of the pollution at the location must be determined. You must choose the appropriate insulator profile for each environment (standard, anti-pollution, aerodynamic…), design the chains with sufficient specific creepage distance. Also install adequate protection against corrosion (sacrificial zinc ring, standard or reinforced galvanization). And in extreme cases, minimize leakage current by applying RTV silicone creating a hydrophobic layer to the insulators.
High voltage glass insulators are subject to specific standards or technical specifications that regulate their design, manufacturing and testing. These regulations may vary by country but are usually guided by the standards established by the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) or the American National Standards Institute (ANSI). These standards provide detailed guidelines on the quality requirements that insulators must meet to ensure their suitability and reliability in high voltage applications.
In addition to glass insulators, there are porcelain insulators and polymer insulators.
Glass insulators, like porcelain ones, are cap and pin insulators or chain insulators that are coupled together to form insulator strings, whereas polymer insulators are single-piece elements.
The most important advantages of glass insulators over porcelain and composite or polymeric insulators are the following:
The use of high voltage glass insulators can provide several environmental benefits compared to other types of insulators. For example, and unlike polymeric insulators, the expected useful life of a glass insulator is greater than 50 years, which usually exceeds the useful life of the line itself; This means that throughout the life of the line it is not necessary to renew the insulation, reducing the number of insulators that need to be manufactured and saving those associated resources.
On the other hand, glass is a recyclable material, which means that glass insulators at the end of their useful life can be recycled and reused instead of being disposed of in landfills. Additionally, glass insulators require fewer natural resources to manufacture compared to other materials such as porcelain, contributing to the conservation of natural resources and reducing the environmental impact associated with the production of electrical insulators.
qúatro-GLASS solutIons/ cam izolatör çözümleri
Head Office: 2443 Sokak No:36/54 Postcode: 06810 Ankara, Turkey
7/24 Call center: +90 534 345 19 09
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